Life becomes, at times, très mouventée. Very turbulent. This happened in my life recently. At the end of this hyper-busy period I realized that a psychic shift had occurred within me…perhaps due to the confluence of the particular stuff that had transpired. All good…but…it so happened that I had no time at all to write on this blog.
Now…back to Alexander Technique teacher training: in the “hands on” part of the class, I am still moving (mostly) my trainer, forward and back while he is sitting in a chair, and then following him while he gets up from the chair. While doing this, an interesting thing occurred that helped me along in the more reliable sensory appreciation department.
I had been going about moving him very seriously, concentrating hard, no doubt furrowing my brow, and I was gripping, gripping, especially in my arms. And then one time he made a funny comment and I smiled, and he said “you smiled and you accomplished un-doing!” So then I smiled some more and I was delighted. Smiling brings about un-doing! When I smile and laugh it is easier for me to move my hands “from my feet” and to un-grip somewhat those flexor muscles. Even if these moments of good use are fleeting right now…I’m so happy about my progress! And well, it does make me giggle to realize that, indeed, I can move about a dude who is a foot taller than me and who weighs almost twice what I weigh. And I can do this with ease if I am set up well. He becomes light as a feather. Hilarious. Is this kind of a naïve statement from a still neophyte trainee? Well, I don’t care. It all delights me!
The other day, while going down to work on the subway, I noticed a man sitting across from me who had eyes that really smiled…they smiled broadly in fact. Looking at him, this total stranger, brought joy to me. And I thought to myself that I will try my hardest to emulate this man!
Lovely, Rena! No – our observation is not naïve. I have been qualified for nearly 6 years now, but still delight in these discoveries. And you will make them – again and again – and they will delight you, again and again.
your observation! Excuse the typo.
Rena Anya Devéza
Magdalena! Thanks! This process is getting more and more fascinating to me! Wow what a fabulous journey!
Mark Josefsberg
Great, Rena! “There’s more than one way to free a neck”.
Mark Josefsberg
And, I think there is much too much seriousness in the Alexander Technique!
Rena Anya Devéza
Yeah I guess so! Even for a fused neck like mine! Thanks Mark! 🙂
Rena Anya Devéza
Yes…it’s best to lighten up!
Yvette Daoust
And impossible to lighten down! Thank you for this uplifting post Rena!
Rena Anya Devéza
” And impossible to lighten down!” I just love that Yvette! Mille fois merci!
Your beautiful smile should be shared…especially when you’re wearing red lipstick. xooxoxox
Rena Anya Devéza
Aww Kris now I’m blushing! xoxox
Awww! I love this post Rena! It reminds me so much of my training too! I hear Marj Barstow used to say that “you always move better with a smile”.
Rena Anya Devéza
Great comment by Marj Barstow! Thank you so much Vicky!
Fantastic observation. Hence the expression “Lighten Up!”
Rena Anya Devéza
Rob! Thank you! As my sensory perception gets more and more reliable (and I have such a long way to go)…well…I find myself smiling more and more!